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1 soul02_P0000
2 Send 'em packing![ST:n ]Take it in close!
3 They're wide open![ST:n ]Let's knock 'em silly!
4 Ready for the fun part?[ST:n ]Melee attacks!
5 Open fire! Follow me!
6 Mix things up! Use a buff!
7 Let's break 'em down[ST:n ]and make 'em sweat!
8 Start big! Move in[ST:n ]and land a hit!
9 It's on, now! Lay down[ST:n ]some cover fire!
10 I'm making a move![ST:n ]Auras ready!
11 They're tough... Heal me up!
12 Dammit... We gotta beef up!
13 I need a jolt. Buff us up!
14 Damn! I ain't got time to die!
15 This is bad. Heal me! Hurry!
16 I ain't givin' up! Gimme some[ST:n ]power and I'll show 'em!
17 Sorry, guys, I'm finished...[ST:n ]Hit 'em hard for me!
18 Forget about me! Just keep[ST:n ]punching holes in 'em!
19 You're gonna need an aura...[ST:n ]Promise me...
20 I'm doing good![ST:n ]Your turn to land a hit!
21 Yeah! It's working![ST:n ]Blast that sucker!
22 Yeah! Now, cripple 'em!
23 Busted, baby! Now close in[ST:n ]and seal the deal!
24 Now! Topple 'em[ST:n ]with some gunfire!
25 Yeah, baby![ST:n ]Bring 'em to their knees!
26 Concentrate your fire[ST:n ]on the big sucker!
27 We're gonna need to[ST:n ]weaken this big boy!
28 Who cares about their size?[ST:n ]Kick it into Overdrive!
29 Look at that! Follow up[ST:n ]with melee attacks!
30 Got 'em! Set me up[ST:n ]with some cover fire!
31 What a hit![ST:n ]Try weakening them!
32 Aura activated! Your turn!
33 Don't be an idiot![ST:n ]Where's your aura?
34 Buff us up! I'm ready to go!
35 Here we go! Overdrive!
36 Let's crack some skulls.[ST:n ]Go into Overdrive!
37 I'll handle Overdrive.[ST:n ]You play it safe with an aura!
38 Don't forget about the rest![ST:n ]Take the fight to them!
39 One down. Deal with[ST:n ]the rest at range!
40 It ain't over yet! Let's heal up!
41 That's how you dodge! Use[ST:n ]an aura to get in the zone!
42 I'm untouchable![ST:n ]But I could still use a boost.
43 Look at these idiots. Let's[ST:n ]wake 'em up with some lead!
44 I'm kicking ass! Now get in[ST:n ]there and smack 'em around!
45 Hell yeah! Blast 'em!
46 Now we're talkin'![ST:n ]Move in and strike!
47 What's with the weather?[ST:n ]Let's get buffed up!
48 Weather trouble![ST:n ]We need an aura!
49 Let's use the weather to[ST:n ]our advantage. Weaken 'em!
50 Man, too much running![ST:n ]Buff me up!
51 God, running sucks.[ST:n ]Gimme a pick-me-up!
52 Look at me go! You're gonna[ST:n ]need Overdrive to keep up!
53 Thanks, pal.[ST:n ]Now stay on 'em!
54 Thanks! Now get back[ST:n ]to shooting 'em!
55 Thanks! You set[ST:n ]up with an aura?
56 Thanks, milady. How about a[ST:n ]little pick-me-up? Just kidding!
57 Man, it's tough being popular![ST:n ]Who wants to help me next?
58 Nice! Don't forget to use[ST:n ]an aura!
59 I'm still in this![ST:n ]Let's get in their face!
60 No giving up! Answer them[ST:n ]with gunfire!
61 See! Nobody's gotta heal ME!
62 I'm in a good position![ST:n ]Open fire!
63 I think I can pin 'em down![ST:n ]Take a shot!
64 Take the high ground,[ST:n ]then send 'em packing!
65 That's right! Show me that belly!
66 Toppled 'em! Fire away!
67 Cripple 'em now[ST:n ]while they're down!
68 That'll hold 'em![ST:n ]Now swing away!
69 I stunned 'em! You better[ST:n ]not miss now!
70 That stopped 'em! You should—[ST:n ]Actually, try weakening them!
71 This chump's just beggin'[ST:n ]to get chopped up!
72 Sleep tight! Till we start[ST:n ]shooting you.
73 They're in la-la land now.[ST:n ]Ignite 'em with a melee attack!
74 I've got you now.[ST:n ]Take a swing!
75 Fire away! I'll hold 'em still!
76 Strike now! I'll restrain 'em!
77 Hey! My Skell's in trouble.[ST:n ]Patch me up!
78 Part damage? ...Whatever.[ST:n ]Just keep swinging!
79 Crap! I'm hit![ST:n ]Gimme cover fire!
80 My Skell! I knew[ST:n ]I shoulda healed.
81 Sweet crispy crap, they[ST:n ]got me! Buff us up!
82 Son of a... We need[ST:n ]Overdrive, stat!
83 I ain't got the fuel for this.[ST:n ]Hook me up!
84 I could use a fix![ST:n ]I'm running on fumes here!
85 I'm outta fuel![ST:n ]Hey, can ya help me out?